Marriage, as is commonly understood, is a huge and complex assignment to be planned and executed to the minute details, and it takes very careful planning, time at hand, a sizable amount of money, not to mention the stress it involves in the process. Not everyone is in for the luxurious ceremony with pompous and flashy decorations.
Not everyone can afford or don’t want to spend an extravagant amount on such an event. The Arya samaj mandir in Noida offers a way out for those who want a peaceful and simple yet elegant wedding. They take the task from your hand and make it their own affair making you free from all the worry and stress.
Services Offered by Arya samaj mandir in Noida
Arya samaj mandar in Noida welcomes everyone from all corners of society, leaving no bar for religion, cast, or class. They offer all facilities that might be required by the bride, groom or their families. The marriage ceremony they perform is simple, and takes just about a couple of hours to complete.
The marriage ceremony and the rituals are done as per hindu marriage method, and they use the teaching of Vedas to perform the ceremony, to translate the meaning of the mantras chanted, so the couple may understand the meaning of it, and the importance it brings in one’s life.
Arya samaj does not believe in idol worship so they perform the ceremony making the holy fire as the witness of the event. The simplicity of the entire process is short yet beautiful and elegant. Apart from this, they offer a list of services related to wedding ceremony such as, addition decoration, bridal make-up, cameraman etc. which the couple may choose as per their discretion, for a very nominal cost.
The entire process of conducting the marriage ceremony in Arya samaj is very much affordable which makes it a prime choice for people with a budget or short on time.
Validation of a marriage conducted at Arya samaj
The road to the door of a married life through the Arya samaj is a very easy process. The couple may walk in to enquire about the services offered in detail, or just make a call for it.
The personnel in mandir office are very helpful and will guide the couple through the rest of the procedure. After fixing a date for the ceremony and discussing the fee, all else is left to the Arya samaj to manage.
The bride and groom need to make physical appearance on the auspicious day with their relevant documents including age, residence and identity proof, and the witnesses from either party with their own identification details.
The relational union performed by Arya samaj Mandir in Ghaziabad is legitimate under Hindu marriage act of 1955, and the Arya samaj validation act of 1937. As mentioned earlier, the entire process of marriage ceremony takes little time to complete and after the ceremony, Arya samaj in Noida offers marriage certification on the same day, also guiding the new couple towards registering their marriage.
The Arya samaj mandir in Ghaziabad understands the stress involved in marriage and tries to relieve the soon-to-be bride-groom to be free of that stress, making the procedure of marriage simple and easy.
If both of the couple fulfils the eligibility parameters, they can book a wedding date with the Arya samaj mandir office, consulting the always happy-to-help office personnel who will guide them through the rest of the procedure. The couple are to fill up the marriage registration form, and appear physically on the appointed day, along with necessary documents